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Papyrus Computer Technologies Ltd.

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NuProg-E2 is an universal engineering programmer. Widely supports most IC types on the market, UFS, eMMC, MCU, CPLD, FPGA, SPI NOR, SPI NAND, Parallel NOR, Parallel NAND and EEPROM, etc. And also support different types of IC packages: CSP, BGA, QFN, QFP, SOP, TSOP, SSOP, PLCC, DIP, etc. Designed FPGA kernel architecture supplies ultra high speed programming performance. The Programming project and sockets are compatible with NuProgPlus. Together with built-in SuperSpeed® USB 3.0 for high-speed communication, it is an efficient tool for you to focus on application analysis and product development.


Standard Package

Engineering Universal Programmer

Model: NuProg-E2

NuProg-E Engineering UFS and eMMC ProgrammerContact Us

Engineering Mode

UFS IC Detail Setting

eMMC IC Detail Setting

For engineers and expert to access advanced features for development, repairing etc.

Detail Settings of descriptor/ attributes/ flags/ RPMB

Detail settings of extCSD/ RPMB