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The VSCOM UPCI-400L delivers four serial ports by a computer PCI card.
The L-series is an economic solution for standard applications. The serial ports are based on a 16C550A UART with 16 byte FIFO. The eightfold maximum speed allows some irregular transmission rates.
- Universal PCI 3.3 / 5.0V
- 4x RS-232
- UART: 16550 (16 Byte FIFO)
- Speed: 921 kbps
- PCI: Plug and Play
- IRQ: Interrupt sharing, only one Interrupt per card
- Drivers: Win95/98,ME,NT 4.0,Win2k, XP, Vista, Win7/8, Linux, DOS Utility
- Hardware Specifications:
- Ports: 4x RS-232
- UART: 4x 16550 (16 Byte FIFO)
- Address: Plug and Play
- Interrupts: PCI Plug and Play, only one interrupt/card
- Speed: max. 921 kbps
- Bus interface: Universal PCI 3.3V / 5.0V
- Connectors: 2x2 DB9 male (COM), 2x DB9 male (COM) (2. Slot)
- Size: L120mm x H89mm
- Temperature: 0°C - 55°C
- Performance Features:
- FIFO: FIFO size 16Byte, adjustable Rx 1,4,8,14Bytes Tx 1 up to 16Bytes
- Handshake: RTS / CTS, Xon / Xoff
- Speed: 1bps up to 921kbps, Multiplication factor for legacy applications
- UART : UART emulation of 8250 and 16450
- Operating Systems
- WIN95, WIN98, ME : high performance serial driver
- WIN NT 4.0 : high performance serial driver, control panel applet
- WIN 2000, XP, Vista, Win7/8 : high performance serial driver
- DOS : virtual address driver and compatibility tools, real DOS Com port emulation
- OS/2 : third party serial driver SIO.SYS available
- Linux : high performance real tty driver
- div.UNIX : configuration instructions
Universal PCI 4COM Serial RS-232 Card
Model: UPCI-400L